Who We Are.

Celebrating diversity, striving for justice, inspired by love, we are FUUN.

We are a community of adults and children with diverse spiritual orientations, who come from many different backgrounds. We invite you to come visit us and learn more about us.

We seek to share a journey of spiritual growth and work together to find ways to live our faith in the world, while respecting the right to freedom of individual beliefs. Our principles and statements of covenant and mission speak our most cherished values, both as part of a larger faith and as an individual congregation. We invite you to explore this website to find out more about who we are and what we do.

About Our Church
Stewardship Pledge Drive 2025-2026

FUUN is calling us to:

*Thrive in our church home
*Provide fertile ground for individual and communal growth
*Take risks for social justice
*Find joy in our time together

As we step into a new era—our next 75 years—FUUN invites you to invest in our future. Our founders built this church to stand strong in turbulent times, and now it’s our turn to carry their vision forward. With new leadership and your generous pledges, we will continue to be a beacon of hope and justice.

The 2025-26 Stewardship Campaign runs from March 23 to April 13. This year we need $645,000. For the first time, stewardship is including a personalized suggested increase in your pledge letter to help us meet the need.

Answer the call—pledge as generously as you can!

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