FUUN Weekly Programming for Children and Youth

Director of Lifespan Religious Education

March 27, 2022

Dear All:

I’d like to share with you the reading by the Rev. Patrick T. O’Neill, UU minister, that Dara Gyauch-Lewis offered during this year’s Youth Sunday worship service:

Among the most accomplished and fabled tribes of Africa, no tribe was considered to have warriors more fearsome or more intelligent than the mighty Masai. It is perhaps surprising, then, to learn the traditional greeting that passed between Masai warriors: “Kasserian Ingera,” one would always say to another. It means, “And how are the children?”

 It is still the traditional greeting among the Masai, acknowledging the high value that the Masai always place on their children’s well-being. Even warriors with no children of their own would always give the traditional answer, “All the children are well.” Meaning, of course, that peace and safety prevail, that the priorities of protecting the young, the powerless, are in place. That Masai society has not forgotten its reason for being, its proper functions and responsibilities. “All the children are well” means that life is good. It means that the daily struggles for existence do not preclude proper caring for their young.

 I wonder how it might affect our consciousness of our own children’s welfare if in our culture we took to greeting each other with this daily question: “And how are the children?” I wonder if we heard that question and passed it along to each other a dozen times a day, if it would begin to make a difference in the reality of how children are thought of or cared about in our own country.

 I wonder if every adult among us, parent and non-parent alike, felt an equal weight for the daily care and protection of all the children in our community, in our town, in our state, in our country… I wonder if we could truly say without any hesitation, “The children are well, yes, all the children are well.”

 What would it be like… if the minister began every worship service by answering the question, “And how are the children?” If every town leader had to answer the question at the beginning of every meeting: “And how are the children? Are they all well?” Wouldn’t it be interesting to hear their answers? What would it be like? I wonder…

As always, please let us know how we can help.




Marguerite Mills                                                Caleb Hampton

Director of Lifespan Religious Education        Religious Education Administrator

MMills@firstuunash.org                                    REAdmin@firstuunash.org


Click on the link below to go to that item:

This Sunday

Next Sunday

Multigenerational Event

Sunday School (preK-8th Grade)

Youth Group (9th-12th Grade)

Volunteer Roles

COVID-19 Policy

This Sunday (Mar 27)


Next Sunday (Apr 3)

Multigenerational Event

This is a time for everyone to gather together after we worship service- in person for a special activity.

  • April 17: It’s time once again for our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Join us on the lawn next to the patio outside the social hall at 11 am.m. (or immdiately following the worship service). Please bring a basket and accompany your child(ren).

Sunday School (preK-8th grade) for March 2022, beyond that TBD

11 a.m., 2nd and 4th Sundays

  • PreK-1st Grade

Youth Group (9th-12th grades)

11 a.m.- 12:30 p.m., 1st and 3rd Sundays

The norm will be meeting in person in the Youth Room or outside, weather permitting, observing the church COVID policy (see below). Exceptions may occur, which will be specified in the This Sunday/Next Sunday sections above, and we may on occasion meet in another space or on Zoom:

Volunteer Roles

We have begun to list the role descriptions for the many volunteers needed to make programming for children and youth happen. Please see the Faith Development Volunteer Roles page for PreK-8th grade roles, which are our single greatest need right now. Descriptions for other roles and other areas will come soon. And don’t limit yourself—if you have a gift to bring to the table, we want to hear about it, and if you don’t know what your gift is (whether with children or youth, or elsewhere), let us help!


COVID-19 Policy, per Congregational vote 23 January 2022

“Resolved, that church members and visitors participating in in-person activities inside church facilities are required to be vaccinated fully for COVID 19, unless ineligible for vaccine or having a valid medical exclusion from vaccination.”

At this time, we are also masking and distancing per recommended guidelines.