Announcement from the Developmental Lead Minister 

February 11, 2022

Dear Ones,

We will reopen the sanctuary for multi-platform worship beginning Sunday, February 27. You can choose to participate in-person or by Zoom or view the service on Facebook or YouTube.

It has been quite a journey to get to this point. It has taken the collaborative efforts of the Worship Committee, the Lay Ministers, the Facilities Committee, and your hard-working staff. Please extend to them your appreciation and gratitude for all they have done.

IMG_1914We are still in need of volunteers to make it all happen on an ongoing basis. We need folks who are willing to be trained in use of the audio/visual system and we need people willing to act as greeters. If you are interested in being trained in audio/visual, contact Josh Richardson at worshiptech@firstuunash.orgIf you are interested in being a greeter, contact Susan Johnston at

As we continue to learn how to offer worship in this all-inclusive way, there are issues still to be worked out. The audio/visual system is still a work in progress as new equipment is being obtained and permanent installation is still in the works.

The Lay Ministers, the Worship Committee, the Director of Communication, and I are collaborating to find a creative way to share joys and concerns during worship and throughout the week. We are working toward a process that is deeply connecting, honors privacy in a multi-platform environment, and provides a means for follow-up by the Lay Ministers as needed. We hope to have the process finalized within the next 3-4 weeks.

At this point in the pandemic, I am aware that most everyone is struggling in some way. Resources of resilience are stretched thin. Volunteering at the church may be beyond the capacity of those struggling the most right now, yet we need volunteers to move things forward. Facing this reality together, in a covenant of mutual care, doing the best we can with patience and good humor, we will get to the other side.  

With care,
Rev. Diane