At 6 p.m. in the social hall on Wednesdays until May, we have approximately 35 people who regularly attend our dinners, so come sit down with us.

All but the fourth Wednesdays of the month will be catered. Our chefs include a vegetarian and a gluten-free dish. The fourth Wednesdays are potluck so bring a favorite dish to share.

Grace will be offered before the meal.

To help cover expenses, the catered meals are $8 for an adult, $5 for a child. Families are encouraged to attend, and will pay a reduced fee depending on family size.
There is no charge for the Potluck and beverages are provided.
You are invited to share the meal whether you can pay or not.
Your first meal is free and if you are willing to help clean up after the meal, you also get a free meal.

Questions? Email the Fellowship Committee at