FUUN Board Meeting Summary
• There were updates on the Board goals of supporting CRE, Fellowship Opportunities and Financial Stability. All are progressing.
• The Annual Meeting is confirmed for June 1, 2025.
• A Governance Committee will be set up by the Board with a board member as liaison. The charge for it will be discussed at an upcoming meeting.
• We will be assessing our vulnerabilities related to our document and information storage online. Our IT consultant and another recommended IT group will be contacted for information.
• A proposed Fellowship Policy was reviewed. Some changes will be made and sent to board members for approval.
• There was an update from Stewardship. The FUUN community will receive pledge drive letters this week. The pledge drive starts Sunday, March 23 and ends on April 13.
• A startup weekend for our new minister will be reserved in September.
• Insurance renewal options were presented and reviewed. There was Board approval to move ahead with the new policies as presented.