Our Mission & Vision
We gather to create community, nurture spiritual growth, and act on our values.

Together, guided by reason and inspired by love, we celebrate diversity, confront oppression, and promote environmental and social justice.

Vision: We are a vibrant, growing church, ministering to our members, our community, and our world.  We are a social justice beacon in Nashville, showing up to support our Mission. We live and spread our liberal faith through living our Eight Principles.  We welcome all to join us in our courageous dream for justice and a better world. 

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Meet the Minister

Our Sunday Schedule

945 a.m.
Doors to the Sanctuary open for seating.
10:00 a.m.
Service begins.
11:00 a.m.
Social Hour: Enjoy coffee while catching up with members and visitors. All are welcome!
Join Us for a Connection Session
Available on the fourth Sundays of the month at 11:30 a.m.

We know that attending a new church can be daunting! It can be difficult to meet new people, learn about the church’s culture, or find the best opportunities to get involved. We’ve got you covered! You are invited to attend one of our Connections Sessions following the Worship service. Members and staff will be there to greet you, catch you up on the 411, and answer all of your questions. So, grab a cup of coffee in the Social Hall and come by to say hello!

Religious Education for Children and Youth
The church is the curriculum.” – Maria Harris

Whatever one calls it, religious education/faith formation/faith development is happening everywhere, all the time. Whether it be in the sanctuary, a classroom, the social hall, at Percy Priest Lake, the Nashville Zoo, a Pride celebration, or a weekend lock-in – which are just some of the places we’ve been together – we are always learning and growing.

View Current Programming
We are a Certified Safe Congregation

Our congregation strives to be safe and a welcoming place to all. It is impossible to make a congregation 100% safe; however, there are steps that we take to make our congregation safer while still creating a supportive space for learning, growth, and challenge as well as actively working for the inclusion and safety of all people.

Our Safe Congregation Panel is tasked with preventing and addressing violence, abuse, harassment, inappropriate behavior, and other threats to the safety of every person who attends First UU Church of Nashville.

Learn More About the Safe Congregation Panel

Frequently Asked Questions

Whatever is comfortable for you. You will find all types of attire at FUUN. Children should wear comfortable clothing. They may play on the floor, work with art supplies, or go outside.

No. We do begin our services with an opportunity for attenders to greet one another, but there is no requirement to speak and share about yourself.

We offer a range of Religious Education (RE) activities for children and youth of all ages.  Your whole family will begin in the service together, and, after a “Time for All Ages”, young people (and any parents who would prefer to accompany them) who choose not to stay in the service head out to their RE spaces (Morgan House).  Guardians may sign in children and youth at the RE Greeter table prior to entering the sanctuary for the service. The Nursery is also available for babies and toddlers starting at 9:30am on Sunday mornings. If a child prefers not to attend RE sessions or nursery, children are always welcome to stay for the full service! More detailed information is available under the Education menu button.

We offer the following accessible options:

  • Accessible parking and a ramp to the sanctuary is accessible from the main parking lot. 
  • Elevator in the sanctuary to the social hall and restrooms.
  • Accessible and gender-neutral restroom in the Social Hall.

Upon arriving, you'll note that we have special parking spots available for visitors with signage to our main entrance. Our greeters will welcome and guide you to our “Welcome table” in the social hall. There you can sign in, find out more about our congregation and grab a name tag. You are encouraged to join us for a casual gathering called “Social Hour” immediately following the service. It’s an excellent time to connect and learn more about the congregation and Unitarian Universalism in an informal atmosphere.

We know that attending a new church can be daunting! It can be difficult to meet new people, learn about the church’s culture, or find the best opportunities to get involved. We’ve got you covered! You are invited to attend one of our Connections Sessions, offered on the fourth Sunday of each month at 11:30 a.m.,  directly following the service. Members and staff will be there to greet you, catch you up on the 411, and answer all of your questions. So, grab a cup of coffee in the Social Hall and come by to say hello!

Every Sunday service and sermon is unique. We encourage you to attend several times to get a feel for who we are and our mission within the local community. Services typically include readings and music selections from a variety of traditions.

All are welcome to attend church activites! Though we hope you will join, you may remain a “friend” of the church. As a friend, you may participate in all the activities of our church.

Become a Member
Path to Membership

Step One: We know that attending a new church can be daunting! It can be difficult to meet new people, learn about the church’s culture, or find the best opportunities to get involved. We’ve got you covered! You are invited to attend one of our Connections Sessions, offered on the fourth Sunday of each month at 11:30 a.m., directly following the Worship service. Members and staff will be there to greet you, catch you up on the 411, and answer all of your questions. So, grab a cup of coffee in the Social Hall and come by to say hello!

Step Two: Complete a New Member Interest Form located HERE .

Step Three: Attend a FUUN Orientation offered on Sundays twice a year. The sessions are a hybrid model—some content will be covered in person, while the remaining content will be available online to be reviewed between sessions at your own pace. This is an interactive class with activities and discussion focused on your past and present religious experiences, the history of Unitarian Universalism and FUUN, and more. Our next orientation sessions will be March 23 and 30 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Step Three: Attend a Member Sunday Signing Ceremony and be celebrated as a new member! The next New Member Sunday service is schedule for April 6, 2025.

We look forward to getting to know you better! Please get in touch with our Communication and Membership Manager Brandi Emrys for any questions.

Register for the next FUUN Orientation
Benefits of Membership
  • Becoming a member of FUUN is a way to deepen your connection to the community.
  • You become part of a spiritual, supportive, and social home where you can develop as a leader.
  • You can connect with our Lay Ministry team who offeres care in times of needed support.
  • Rites of passage conducted by our minister in our Sanctuary without fee.
  • The ability to vote in all of our congregational meetings (hosted in June and January).
  • Discounts on facility use fees.
  • Subscriptions to church publications and the UUA World Magazine.