Here at First UU Nashville, Social Justice is a big part of who we are.

We live social justice out with help from our Social Justice Committee and our action teams and by partnering with local organizations through our Share The Plate Program.

We are working toward creating a community where justice is not only a thought of our congregation but is shown by our every action.

Find Something You're Interested In?

If you would like to become involved with one of the initiatives listed below, simply email our Social Justice Team for more information. 

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Beloved Community

Our work centers on journeying towards an anti-racist, multicultural community within our church community and in the world at large. We welcome new team members and volunteers who would like to join us on this journey. The work we do ranges from education to activism with a focus on identifying and eliminating structural, institutional, and individual racism.

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Widening the Circle of Concern

Widening the Circle of Concern (WTC) is a report by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s (UUA’s) Commission on Institutional Change that was issued in 2020. The report challenges UUs to learn how to deepen our commitment to anti-racism and become more open and multi-cultural communities. Studying the report and taking actions on its recommendations is now a major initiative of the UUA and member congregations across the country.

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Palmer Lecture

The annual Robert C. Palmer Lecture on Human Rights was established by the church’s Board of Directors in 1983 to honor the legacy and service of the Rev. Robert Palmer, our first called minister. Rev. Palmer was a social activist on many fronts, including the United Nations, nuclear disarmament, and the Civil Rights Movement.

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Nashville Organized for Action & Hope

Nashville Organized for Action and Hope (NOAH) is a faith led coalition that is multi-racial and interdenominational comprised of congregations, community organizations, and labor unions that work to give voice to traditionally marginalized people. NOAH engages ordinary people in the political and economic decisions affecting their lives, acting as a unified voice for the faith and justice community to act on its values in the public arena. 

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Habitat for Humanity

Each year, the Habitat for Humanity social justice action team organizes our participation in an interfaith Habitat House build through the Unity Build.  Working with other congregations annually in the Fall, we assist Habitat in providing the life-changing opportunity for people to purchase and own quality, affordable homes.

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Room in the Inn

First UU Nashville feeds and shelters eight homeless men two Fridays per month October-March in our Morgan House facility. Volunteers are needed for a number of well-defined roles, including hosting, preparing meals, laundry, setup, foot care, and more. This is an effort that some shy away from, but which nearly all of us who participate find rewarding and enlightening. If you have not volunteered before, you will be placed with others who are experienced.

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Trans Affirming Collective (TAC)

Love is our faith.

Each of us has worth and dignity, and that worth includes our gender and our sexuality. As Unitarian Universalists (UUs), we not only open our doors to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities, we value diversity of sexuality and gender and see it as a spiritual gift. We create inclusive religious communities and work for LGBTQ justice and equity as a core part of our identity. All of who you are is sacred. All of who you are is welcome. – UUA

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Safe Haven

Safe Haven has been operating for 30 years, and First UU Nashville members have actively volunteered for most of them. We currently provide dinner for up to 40 residents six times a year. Volunteering at this shelter gives UU families, Covenant Groups, and others who wish to volunteer with a small group a great opportunity to live our values in the world.

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Share the Plate

Share the Plate is a program that helps us put our money behind our values by supporting organizations whose work is transforming the world. How it works, is each month we select one group, either a community organization or one of our own action teams and then we split the offering plate 50/50  with them each Sunday in that month. In addition to sharing our funds, we invite organizations to speak from our pulpit, provide opportunities for our members to connect with their work, and elevate the organizations on our social platforms.

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Immigrant Justice

We are starting a conversation with the congregation regarding our call to provide sanctuary on our campus, as well as finding other ways to engage with the crisis facing immigrants in our community. What does effective moral witness look like for us as we engage with this issue? What questions do you have about sanctuary? About issues facing our immigrant neighbors? Do you know we are already helping families who have lost a member to deportation? Watch this space for opportunities for learning, engagement, and reflection as we chart our path forward and discern our call on this important issue.

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