Schedule Events on the FUUN Calendar

Hosting a Team Event or Meeting?
Be sure to add the event to the FUUN calendar and take attendance in Breeze!

This form allows you to schedule an event on the FUUN calendar, reserve space on campus, and reserve additional items such as tables and presentation equipment.

Not sure how to add attendance for your event in Breeze? Check out the Breeze "Check In" Instructions. For additional Breeze access information, scroll down.

Calendar & Campus Use Request Form
Need to Use AV or TECH Items or Request AV/TECH Assistance for Your Event?
Teams and Committees have access to audio and visual equipment for their event needs.

Be sure to complete the following form if you need assistance with sound, visual presentations, access to the OWL camera for meetings, etc.

AV/TECH Request Form
Need Childcare Coverage for Your Event?
Our childcare team is here to help!

All requests are sent directly to our Childcare Team who will be in touch with you shortly if they need further information. 

Childcare Request Form

Communicate Your Events

Want to Advertise Your Event Internally?

Need a special highlight in the E-blast, Flash Flush, Sunday Announcements, Social Media, Social Hall Announcements, etc.? Be sure to complete the Get the Word Out form!

Get the Word Out Form
Want to Advertise Your Event Externally?
Examples include radio or newspaper ads.

Complete the Press Release Form below and schedule a meeting with the Communication and Membership Manager, Brandi Emrys, to discuss your advertising needs. 

Press Release Form
Taking Photos at Events?
Teams and Committees are encouraged to take pictures at events, but there are a few special things to note.

1. Before taking photos, ask and be sure all attendees are comfortable with their photo being taken and posted.

2. If you are hosting a large event and/or group, provide a space for folks to move to so they are out of the picture if they do not want their photo taken.

3. In most cases, It’s a good rule of thumb to not take pictures of any children other than your own to share. However, for campus-wide events including children, no photos of minors may be used without full parental/guardian consent. A copy of the Minor Photo Release form is below and it's recommended that you check with the CRE team to see if a photo release is already on file.

4. Below is a link to our Adult Photo Release Form if folks request that one be used. 

Minor Photo Release Form Photo Release for Adults (18 years+)

Pledging and Breeze

Need to Update Your Annual Pledge?

Interested in completing a pledge for this fiscal year? Need to make changes to a current pledge? Complete the pledge form below. 

Stewardship Pledge Form
How Do I Make Use of Breeze?
Breeze is an intuitive web-based church management software that helps churches and organizations manage events, track donations, recruit volunteers, and create forms.

See the videos and article below to learn how to access your FUUN Breeze account, view our church directory, sign up for volunteer opportunities, and manage your yearly stewardship donations.

Member Tutorial Video

Member Frequently Asked Questions

Logging In/Out of Breeze

How to download and access the Breeze app on your phone

How to take attendance through Breeze

How to recruit volunteers through Breeze

How to add Tags and Assign folks to Tags

**Please note that you can find a direct login page to Breeze in the second menu that appears in the very top right of your screen when you scroll to the very top of this page.**


What is Pumble?
Pumble keeps all of your team/committee communication organized.

In Pumble, all discussions happen across channels, on topics that you define (eg. #general, #marketing, #myproject). People can join channels that interest them, stay updated on different topics, and particitipate in conversations that concern them – thus removing the need for constant email chains.

Learn why people are using Pumble

Intro to Pumble

Getting Started – recommend fast forwarding the video and start viewing at 3:07

5 Tips for Getting Started in Pumble

How to Use Notifications


What Items Should I Note Before Making Any Purchases?

Be sure to pick up a tax-exempt form to bring with you when purchasing items for the church.

What is the Annual Procedure for Team/Committee Budget Requests

All committees and groups with line items in the budget, or who want to request a new line item in the budget, should submit their requests annually by March 31 using the Online Budget Request Form

Online Budget Request Form

Leadership Development

How Does the Leadership Development Team Offer Support to FUUN Teams and Committees?

The Leadership Development Team provides a wide variety of learning opportunities in the area of leadership development for FUUN including:

• Leadership orientation classes are specially designed for those new to leadership roles in the church.

• Leadership consultations designed to address specific needs of committees, task forces, etc. to function successfully and operate more efficiently;

• Working with the Nominating Team to identify and promote leaders.

• Informing the congregation of leadership tools and opportunities available locally and from the UUA and Southern Region

We publish announcements in FUUN communications to the membership so look for information there. [newsletter, weekly email, FUUN blog]

View More About the Leadership Development Team

Beloved Community

What Beloved Community Resources are Available for FUUN Teams and Committees?

The Beloved Community Committee works to build a multiracial, multicultural world, both inside and outside the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville. Among other resources, it has established an Online Resource Packet for team and committee discussions. Or, view the Beloved Community Google Drive

View the Beloved Community Page