You may give one time or schedule recurring contributions through any of the options provided below.
First UU Church of Nashville is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Members: Do you need to update information regarding your ongoing pledge or form of giving? Check out the Members tab for further information.
Want to support the mission and vision of First UU Church of Nashville? Click on the "Give Now" button below. You may elect to also cover the 1-3% online processing fees for this service, if you'd like.
You can set First UU Church of Nashville up as a bill pay option with your bank - choosing a one-time payment or recurring payments. Then they mail FUUN a check on your behalf, eliminating the need for you to mail a check or carry a checkbook.
With ACH, pre-defined contributions are electronically withdrawn from your personal bank/financial institution and deposited directly into FUUN's bank account once a month. This is a good option if you'd like to "set it and forget"; however, some confidential paperwork is required. Please contact our Administrator, Jen Austin, for more information on this option.
Checks may be mailed to FUUN at 1808 Woodmont Blvd., Nashville, TN 37215.
You may also place check and/or cash donations in the offering plates during Sunday Worship services. Of note, 50% of any cash donations received in the Sunday offering goes to a community organization through our Share the Plate Partner program each month. If you want a Sunday cash donation to go 100% to FUUN, please indicate that on your giving envelope.
You’re here because you feel that FUUN is a special place. You’re here because you find meaning in our mission and shared covenant and want to make a difference.
The Pledge Drive Campaign for 2025-26 kicks off in March 23, 2025. On this page, you’ll find many resources to help you complete a financial commitment to the church for the coming year.
The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville is fortunate to have an endowment founded in 1984 to ensure that FUUN and Unitarian Universalism remain alive and vital in Nashville and Middle Tennessee for many generations to come. The Trust accepts bequests and other gifts, as well as gifts made in memory of or to honor loved ones.
The FUUN Endowment Trust is completely separate from the operating funds and capital reserve funds used to carry out the day-to-day operations of the church. It is managed under its own set of bylaws by independent trustees elected by the congregation. The trustees are responsible for managing and investing the funds donated to the FUUN Endowment Trust, educating the congregation about the endowment, seeking ways to grow the endowment through gifts and bequests, and making annual distributions in the form of grants.