This coming Sunday is an exciting day for Unitarian Universalists in Nashville. Out of a desire to intentionally forge a closer relationship between FUUN and the Greater Nashville UU Congregation, Rev. Denise Gyauch and I are exchanging pulpits for one Sunday. On December 15, I will be at Greater Nashville and Rev. Denise will be here at FUUN.
The practice of pulpit exchanges goes back to the earliest Unitarian and Universalist roots here on American soil. It is an expression of our congregational polity as laid out by the Cambridge Platform of 1648.
The framers of the Cambridge Platform envisioned a system of autonomous and interdependent congregations. Local congregations were formed by voluntary members entering into a mutual covenant. At the same time, it was expected that congregations would be in communion with each other. Among the expectations were: taking thought of each other’s welfare, providing consultation where a congregation has expertise and knowledge, allowing members of one congregation to fully participate in another, and providing financial support to poorer congregations.
Being in relationship with our sibling congregation here in the greater Nashville area works to strengthen the presence of Unitarian Universalism and the values we share. While each congregation has its distinct identity and something unique to offer the community, we share a common heritage and a common faith. We come from the same roots. When roots are nurtured, growth happens.
Yours shared ministry,
Rev. Diane