“The light of truth, the warmth of community, the fire of commitment . . . “ from Singing the Living Tradition #456 by Elizabeth Selle Jones
During World War II, Austrian artist Hans Duetsch made a line drawing of a flaming chalice to be used by the Unitarian Service Committee (USC). It appeared on letterheads and business cards used by the USC in their work to help Jewish refugees escape Nazi persecution. The Unitarian Universalist Association began using the image as a logo in 1976. Congregations began fashioning chalices out of pottery, wood, or metal and using them as ritual objects in worship services. The practice slowly spread. Today, most, if not all our congregations incorporate a chalice lighting into their worship services.
Over the years, different people have ascribed different meanings to the symbol of the flaming chalice. It was drawn in haste for a specific need without time for deep reflection on the theological significance. This may be part of its appeal within our UU congregations. It is open to different interpretations and understandings while clearly identifying us as Unitarian Universalists.
I find deep meaning in the historic roots of the flaming chalice. It connected people to each other and to their larger purpose of helping people escape from oppression and tyranny. The flame of their courage and commitment burns among us each time we light the chalice.
Here at FUUN the words we use to extinguish the chalice at the end of each service were written by Elizabeth Selle Jones. She was a mentor of mine while I was a student at Starr King School for the Ministry and is since deceased. She ascribed three meanings to the chalice: the light of truth, the warmth of community, and the fire of commitment. It has been more than 40 years since Elizabeth wrote those words for her congregation. Recently, Wesley King, Director of Music Ministries at FUUN, set her words to music.
These days, as we face oppression and tyranny in our land and around the world, I often find myself singing the words of our chalice extinguishing. As I make my way through the week, the words remind me that I am not alone in seeking the light of truth in this time of disinformation and fear. The words remind me of commitments made by those who came before us. I am inspired to keep the flame of their legacy alive in our world today.
Together, may we keep the chalice light of our faith shining in our lives and through the world.
Yours in shared ministry,
Rev. Diane