“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Twice a year, light and dark are in perfect balance. Once in the spring and again in the fall, day and night are nearly equal in length. The vernal equinox happens on March 20 this year, officially ushering in the spring season. When our whole world feels out of balance, as it does frequently for me these days, the equinox can be a time to regain a sense of equilibrium. Balance, after all, is about finding the still point, the place where the scales come to rest.
In the technology drenched world we inhabit today, remembering the gentle cycles of the earth can provide a balm of calmness. There is reassurance in knowing that the stars will shine through each night and that the sun will rise every morning. Spring will follow winter just as surely as summer will follow spring. It all happens beyond human will. We can’t make it happen, nor can we stop it. Paying attention to the natural rhythms of the earth can bring a sense of balance to our lives, even in chaotic times.
What brings you a sense of balance these days?
Yours in shared ministry,
Rev. Diane