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Hey Ya’ll! Here’s a good idea: With FUUN’s 75th Anniversary coming up, let’s all donate $75 to the Endowment Trust Fund. The trustees are responsible for managing and investing the funds donated to the FUUN Endowment Trust, educating the congregation about the endowment, seeking ways to grow the endowment through gifts and bequests (Legacy Circle), and making annual distributions in the form of grants, such as sending young people to General Assembly and updating our equipment in the sanctuary to support people who cannot attend in person.

The FUUN Endowment Trust is completely separate from the operating funds and capital reserve funds used to carry out the day-to-day operations of the church, though in the last several years it has been a safety net to cure budget shortfalls, via matches to special fundraisers. The trust doesn’t just raise and invest money for “someday in the future” but it is sometimes used to meet critical current needs. It is managed under its own set of bylaws by independent trustees elected by the congregation.

Now, here is your chance to contribute to the future well-being of our Congregation. Happy 75th! - Victoria Harris, Trustee