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The Ministerial Search Committee is excited to report that we have selected our pre-candidates and they will be visiting with us during selected weekends in February and March. During these weekends, we will learn more about each candidate to determine if they are the best fit for FUUN. The candidate will conduct a vespers service for the committee and be intensively interviewed. Keep in mind that we are not the only church the candidates may be visiting, so we will also be interviewed by the candidate, and we’ll be showing off our campus, giving them a tour of the city and entertaining them. All of this happens in just two short days. We promise to give them (and us) some time to rest.

Not every candidate will have made their congregation aware they are searching, so everything we do is done in complete confidence. During the campus tour and vespers, the church campus must be vacant. If you have events or meetings planned on Fridays or Saturdays in February and March, and you have not been contacted, it’s because there is no conflict. If you have a new event or meeting you want to schedule on a Friday or Saturday, contact the office and they will help you schedule it to avoid our times on campus. Finally, please respect the need for confidentiality and don’t ask us for any information on the candidates.

We will choose a final candidate on April 3rd and announce that to you on one of the following Sundays. The candidate will then be here from April 26th to May 4th, meeting with the Congregation and delivering two sermons. After the service on May 4, a congregational meeting will be held to call the new minister. We hope you agree with us and give the new minister a resounding vote of confidence.

We’ve mentioned before that it is possible we will not find the right candidate or that our first-choice candidate does not accept our offer. We think this is unlikely, but if it happens, a new search committee will be formed for the 25/26 search cycle and the Board will look for an interim minister. This is preferable to settling for a minister who does not meet the criteria you set for us in your meetings and surveys.

Your Ministerial Search Committee consists of Steve Jones (chair), Carleen Dowell, Jeannie Haman, Bill Latimer, Pat Lynch, Doug Pasto-Crosby, and Jessica Young. If you are new to the Church and want to know more about our search, please email the team and someone on the Committee will contact you.