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Were you a Mad Men fan?
Ever want to try your hand at coming up with a catchy slogan people will remember for years?

Well, here’s your chance.

Every year, the stewardship committee tries to come up with a phrase or theme for our campaign, a few words that will capture our hopes and dreams for FUUN for the next twelve months (AND, of course, encourage everyone to support those dreams with their talents and treasure).

This year, we’re asking for your help. We’re holding a contest to create the theme for our next stewardship campaign, coming up this spring. If you have an idea for a logo to accompany your theme, that’s great too!

The contest will run from Sunday, September 29 to Sunday, October 27. We’ll have a box at the Sunday service where you can deposit a hard copy of your theme and a link on the website where you can enter a digital version. All are welcome to enter, youth and adults, members and friends of the church. Can’t choose your best from several brilliant ideas? You’re welcome to enter more than once.

We’re excited to see what you all come up with!