Stewardship at First UU Church of Nashville
Guided by Love, Transformed by Our Gifts
Welcome to the Stewardship page of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville. You’re here because you feel that FUUN is a special place. You’re here because you find meaning in our mission and our shared covenant and because you want to make a difference.
The stewardship campaign for 2025-26 kicks off on March 2025. On this page, you’ll find many resources to help you make your financial commitment to the church for the coming year.
Because of your financial support, this congregation can continue its influence and good works in our community.
How to Pledge
Everyone will receive a letter in the mail. It will include a QR code for the online pledge form. The online form is also available HERE.
If you would like to have a blank form sent to you by mail, please call the office at 615-383-5760.
Take Advantage of the Transformation Trust!
Thanks to the enthusiastic and generous support of several long-time members, we have set up a “Transformation Trust” of $20,000. This fund will be used to match new and increased pledges:
If you increase your pledge from last year by 20% or more, the amount of the increase will be matched.
If you pledge for the first time, your entire pledge will be matched.
Please make your pledge today!
Paying Your Pledge
There are many ways to pay your pledge:
- To pay securely online through our membership program called Breeze.
- Mail a check to the church or drop it in the offering bowl on Sundays.
- Request an automatic draft by emailing our Treasurer.
Where the Money Goes
Your financial commitment makes it possible for us to continue gathering in community to nurture our spiritual growth, recognize our interdependence, and celebrate our differences together. See below for how your gifts support the mission and vision of FUUN:
FUUN Programs- 22%
Worship & Music- 35%
Social Justice- 6%
Lifespan Religious Education- 22%
Denominational Activities- 10%
Income Generation- 5%
Beyond Our Walls
Ours is a shared ministry, so there are many opportunities for us to nurture, support, and grow with one another through lay ministry, teaching religious programs, and more within our walls.
Beyond our walls, we are involved in a variety of social action efforts:
- We raise financial support and provide physical labor for Habitat for Humanity
- We participate in Nashville Organized for Action and Hope (NOAH), an interfaith, multiracial coalition of congregations and community organizations working to build social and economic justice in Nashville. NOAH’s members address issues affecting our community, such as homelessness, to shape the future of our city for the benefit of all.
- We have a dedicated group of people who share our UU values by offering religious services in prisons.
- We feed and house homeless individuals and families through our Room in the Inn and Safe Haven Family Shelter involvement.
- We support the LGBTQ community through educational programs at church, social events, and participation in community-wide events.
- We offer the annual Palmer Human Rights Lecture with the mission to present speakers of recognized stature that appeal to a wide audience in the Nashville area. Recent speakers have included: Dr. Elías Ortega who is an interdisciplinary scholar working at the intersection of the sociological study of religion and religious ethics in 2022, Lindsey Krinks who serves as Co-Founder and Director of Education for Open Table Nashville in 2021, noted social activist Rasheedat Fetuga in 2020, Mary Katherine Morn on what the UU Service Committee does in 2019, Bill Carey on the history of slavery in Tennessee in 2018, Jim Cooper on health care reform in 2017, Tim Wise on anti-racism in 2016, and Lisa Guenther on prison reform in 2015.