What is NOAH?    

Nashville Organized for Action and Hope (NOAH) is a faith led coalition that is multi-racial and interdenominational comprised of congregations, community organizations, and labor unions that work to give voice to traditionally marginalized people. NOAH engages ordinary people in the political and economic decisions affecting their lives, acting as a unified voice for the faith and justice community to act on its values in the public arena. Visit their site.


FUUN has an active and vibrant group, the A-Team  (“A” for action). The A-team encourages and welcome new committee members, so feel free to drop in to a meeting.

The mission of the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville (FUUN) NOAH Action Team is to keep FUUN accountable to our membership in Nashville Organized for Action and Hope (NOAH) by

1) Educating ourselves and our congregation about NOAH’s issues,

2) Participating regularly in NOAH Task Forces, Board Meetings, events, and actions,

3) Building relationships with each other, FUUN congregants, fellow NOAH members, and allies,

4) Encouraging our congregation to share their priorities and concerns for Nashville and

5) Mobilizing our congregation to share their priorities and concerns for Nashville and support NOAH through giving time and/or resources