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Monthly Meeting of the Trustees of the FUUN Endowment.

Reach out to the Trustees to learn more.

About the FUUN Endowment

The First Unitarian Universalist Church of Nashville is fortunate to have an endowment founded in 1984 to ensure that FUUN and Unitarian Universalism remain alive and vital in Nashville and Middle Tennessee for many generations to come.  The Trust accepts bequests and other gifts, as well as gifts made in memory of or to honor loved ones. The FUUN Endowment Trust is completely separate from the operating funds and capital reserve funds used to carry out the day-to-day operations of the church. It is managed under its own set of bylaws by independent trustees elected by the congregation. The trustees are responsible for managing and investing the funds donated to the FUU

To Make a Gift

Tax deductible contributions to FUUN’s endowment in honor or memory of an individual may be made in any amount. Please send your check (payable to FUUN) to FUUN, 1808 Woodmont Blvd., Nashville, Tennessee 37215. Be sure to indicate who you are remembering or honoring on your check. The family (or honoree) will be notified of your gift, unless you request anonymity. Please provide name and mailing information for this purpose. Donors are recognized in the church newsletter and website: however, the amount of your gift will remain private.

Gifts may also be made online here. When you click on this giving page, please ensure that the first choice is highlighting the Endowment Fund.