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Grab your favorite Valentine Saturday, February 15 and head to FUUN for our annual Valentine's Dinner from 6-9 p.m.! This event raises money for the Fall Habitat Unity Build and features scrumptious food, delectable wine, a silent art auction, and, the best part, a show of performers from our church! Child care will be available. Tickets are $25 a person and can be purchased via this form. Help us show some love to Habitat!

If you would like to participate in the show, sign up by reaching out to Carleen Dowell.

In order for our art auction to be a success, we need some art! If you are an artist, we’d love a donation of some of your art or an offer for a class or commissioned piece. If you are NOT an artist, you can still help by donating artsy things like used art that you no longer use, jewelry, art supplies, sculptures or similar items. We do not collect random items because we don’t want to take away from the regular church auction in the fall. Please bring these items to Carleen at the Social Justice table from now until Feb 2! Also, please send information about your piece (retail price, minimum, details) to Suzanne LeBeau

Come lift a glass, have a bite, and enjoy the music and art.  By doing so we can help build a home for some deserving family.

Get Tickets!