Subtle Acts of Exclusion

Dr. Michael Baran, co-author of "Subtle Acts of Exclusion: How to Understand, Identify, and Stop Microaggressions" led a workshop on incorporating the SAE method of preventing microaggressions, and responding to them when they do happen, as a FUUN policy. 

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Beloved Community Team:

Our work centers on journeying towards an anti-racist, multicultural community within our church community and in the world at large. We welcome new team members and volunteers who would like to join us on this journey. The work we do ranges from education to activism with a focus on identifying and eliminating structural, institutional, and individual racism.

  • Is your interest in reading and discussion?
  • Participating in political action?
  • Working with others to orchestrate a powerful learning experience?
  • Helping to change the culture of our congregation to welcome more diversity?
  • Brainstorming ideas for all of the above?

The Beloved Community Team does these things together with others inside and outside of FUUN. The work of educating ourselves has included multi-session courses such as the Living the Pledge to End Racism and Widening the Circle of Concern along with book and documentary discussions, field trips, and worship topics. Examples of our activism include FUUN’s membership in NOAH, a local multicultural community organization,  participation in rallies and protests, and support of multicultural organizations.